Don’t get me wrong, every group of friends are unique in their own little ways. Some groups of friends go out to dinner at the same place every week, some have movie nights and some will play cards. Although all these groups of friends may be different, one thing remains true; there are always going to be these five people in every group of friends.
1.) The “I’ll Be There In Five Minutes” Friend.
This friend is always late to group gatherings. This is the person that you are constantly waiting for when you make dinner plans, are waiting to get a ride from, can’t start the movie without, etc. You could have told them months in advance where and what time you’d be meeting and they would still be late. It ultimately has gotten to the point where you tell them to be at a certain place 30 minutes before you are actually going to get there because you know they’ll be late.
2.) The “I’m Hungry” Friend.
This friend is always munching on something. You never see them without some sort of food. You could have just eaten a couple of hours ago and they’ll want to go out again, or even worse, they raid your fridge and eat all of your food. If they don’t get their food, they ruin the whole moral of the group. You do not want this person to be hungry.
3.) The “Did They Really Just Say That?” Friend.
This friend is the type of friend that will make you cover your face in embarrassment at times. They have absolutely no filter whatsoever. It makes for an entertaining time most of the time, but you get them in the wrong crowd and things could get ugly fast. They’ve probably have gotten you into trouble a few times, but you love them anyway.
4.) The “I Can’t Tonight” Friend.
This friend is always with their significant other. It has gotten to the point where you wonder if they have to ask their significant other if they can use the bathroom or not. This friend always cancels at the last minute, but promises to make it up to you at some point in the near future. Any chance you get to get them away from their boyfriend/girlfriend is like performing an elaborate heist. (Yes, the heist you always dreamt about pulling off with your friends has finally come true.)
5.) The “Momma Bear/Papa Bear” Friend.
This friend is the glue that holds your group of friends together. They keep things organized. They decide where you go for dinner and make all of the arrangements so that you don’t have to. They remind you that one of your friend’s has a birthday coming up. They are the person behind the scenes that makes sure the “did-they-really-just-say-that?” friend doesn’t wind up in jail. This friend doesn’t have time for shenanigans, but every now and then you’ll catch them off guard and realize that they are in fact human beings after all.
So now that you have seen the list and have said, “Yep, that’s totally so and so.” Which friend are you?
-Dalton Hessel